Cafe Happy Hour: May 7th, 4:30pmDear Friends, Supporters, and Friends We Haven't Met Yet,
There are two upcoming events that we want you to know about! First, we believe that it's very important to take time to celebrate our successes with our team, our supporters, and our friends. SO, The Urban Studio is hosting a Happy Hour tomorrow, Thursday, May 7th to celebrate winning the
Skandalaris Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition. No formal presentations, no elevator pitches, no pressure...just friends and supporters mingling and getting to know one another.
Our Advisory Board member Kevin Brennan, of Brennan's and Maryland House in the Central West End, has graciously offered to provide food samples which we'll use as a taste-test to get feedback on potential Cafe food offerings. Thanks to the donated time and materials of Slay Plumbing (Kelton, Kirk, and Dave) we'll have working sinks, AND thanks to Bowood Farms, Mikey Naucas, and Bredon Jones, we'll have a beautiful new redbud street tree. Lastly, this will be the final opportunity to thank our Coro Fellow, Abby Baum, for all her hard work during the last month (and the Lutheran Foundation who supported Abby's placement). So to recap:
Urban Studio Cafe Happy HourThursday, May 7th
2815 North 14th Street
Stop on by!
The second event we want you to know about is:
The Old North St. Louis House and Community Tour
Saturday, May 9th
10am - 4pm
$10 in advance, $12 day of event
The Urban Studio Cafe will be open in the morning for folks interested in checking out our progress and hearing about our vision. There is more info below and full details online.